DENVER (May 1, 2024) — MedGeo Ventures proudly announces its selection by the American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA) as their new online career platform, now branded as PA JobSource. This announcement underscores our dedication to equipping AAPA members with top-tier tools for career development through our map-based career exploration platform, designed specifically for medical association members.
MedGeo partners with medical associations nationwide to incorporate its innovative map-based career exploration platform, helping modernize job centers and support association member healthcare professionals at every step in the career search and selection process.
“Although MedGeo has only been in the market for 1 year, AAPA marks the fifth leading healthcare association to choose our unique platform and business model to power their member’s career experience. We’re proud that AAPA trusts us to help them meet their strategic workforce-related initiatives. MedGeo is designed to help partner associations become the definitive gateway to hiring in their specialty while materially improving revenue from career services. We’re excited for the year ahead and what we’ll accomplish together through this partnership,“ explains Deanna Bassett, MedGeo CEO.”
The MedGeo platform also helps associations create a more relevant members-only career search experience by mapping the entire profession’s ecosystem with the means to engage with any employer. Doing so eliminates unwanted job search spam, allowing members to tailor employer alerts to suit their unique needs and interests and reduces application friction by enabling members to engage with employers before they commit to applying for positions. In addition, the platform provides guidance from medical staffing experts on market trends, CVs, compensation expectations, and employer introductions.
“AAPA’s new partnership with MedGeo will support AAPA members in their professional progression throughout their career and not just when they are actively seeking new positions,” said Donna Nogay, AAPA Senior Vice President of Marketing, Communications, Membership, & Meetings. “The new MedGeo platform is not just a job board but rather a tool to help PAs uncover opportunities that meet their personal needs and career objectives.”
PAJobSource by AAPA is now available to AAPA Members at